It will be extremely advantageous to both of you to work out details like the distribution of household goods on your own. Your judge isn’t likely to be pleased to spend time deciding which of you gets small appliances or pieces of furniture, and one likely outcome is simply that the judge … [Read more...] about If We Can’t Agree On How To Split Household Goods, Will We Have To Go To Court In Our Divorce In Queens?
Will I Have To Pay My Spouse’s Student Loans As Part Of Our Divorce In Queens?
Student loans sometimes factor into a divorce, and sometimes don’t. If the loans were accrued during the marriage and were used to pay household bills or otherwise support both parties, then that portion of them may be subject to distribution. That means that you may end up having to pay … [Read more...] about Will I Have To Pay My Spouse’s Student Loans As Part Of Our Divorce In Queens?
Does My Spouse Have A Claim To My Employment Benefits In Our Divorce In Queens?
Yes, in most cases the employment benefits accrued during a marriage are considered marital property and will be divided between the spouses. Depending on your circumstances, your spouse may be entitled to as much as half of accumulated 401(k) values, any pension attached to your work, and other … [Read more...] about Does My Spouse Have A Claim To My Employment Benefits In Our Divorce In Queens?
Do We Need A Lawyer To Sign Off On Our Distribution Of Assets In Our Divorce In Queens?
No, you aren’t required to have a lawyer in order to divorce in Queens, and there’s no sign-off process for asset distribution required by law, aside from the court’s approval of your settlement agreement. That said, couples with extensive assets to distribute should consider working with … [Read more...] about Do We Need A Lawyer To Sign Off On Our Distribution Of Assets In Our Divorce In Queens?
Who Determines How Much Alimony I Can Get In My Queens Divorce?
There are several different types of alimony, known as “maintenance” in New York, that are available in a divorce in Queens, and there are different factors considered in how they are calculated. For temporary maintenance, provided during the duration of the divorce, the court will rely on a … [Read more...] about Who Determines How Much Alimony I Can Get In My Queens Divorce?
How Much Time Can I Have With My Kids In Our Custody Agreement In Queens?
Your custody agreement is a negotiated contract where you can and should push to get as much - or as little - time with your kids as you want. You and your spouse will be expected to work out the details of where the children will live, how often you’ll have the children overnight, whether you … [Read more...] about How Much Time Can I Have With My Kids In Our Custody Agreement In Queens?