If you are buying or selling a residential home without a real estate agent, we can help!
The processing of transferring home ownership might seem overbearing to the outsider, but let us break it down for you into three easy steps:
Step 1: Negotiations – this is where the parties and their lawyers work out the terms and sign a contract to move forward.
Step 2: Due Diligence – this is where the Buyer might deal with its inspectors and/or lender and the title company. During this period, one or both parties sometimes have an opportunity in the contract to walk away from the deal. If there are due diligence concerns, the parties’ lawyers document that properly and sometimes negotiate amendments to the contract.
Step 3: Closing – this is then both parties have their lawyers review closing documents from the title company (and lender, if there is one) and, assuming all is well, the parties proceed to closing, exchanging the purchase money for the deed to the property (usually using the title company as an escrow agent and to record the deed properly).
If you are buying or selling a home, let us help you save time and money, while providing you peace of mind that you are protecting and that the deal is getting done properly. Please click below to submit a short intake form now so we can help you with this important matter!